Stock Market

Listing information

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Face Value:₹ 2, Listed Since: 2009, ISIN Code: INE287C01037 Tickers: NSE : MIC BSE : 532540 Listed On: NSE,India, BSE,India

Composition of Board Committees

Board of Directors

The Board believes that the current size is appropriate based on the company's present circumstances and also believes board members possess requisite skills, experience and expertise to take decisions, which are in the best interest of the Company.

Mr. Kaushik Yalamanchili

Chairman & Managing Director

Mr. Siva Lakshmana Rao Kakarala

Non Executive Non Independent Director

Mr. Srinivas Rao Kolli

Independent Director

Mrs. Sabitha Ghanta

Independent Director


S. No Name Position
Audit Committee
1 Mr. Srinivas Rao Kolli Chairman
2 Mr. Kaushik Yalamanchili Member
3 Mrs. Karuna Gayathri Upadhyayula Member
Nomination and Remuneration Committee
1 Mrs. Karuna Gayathri Upadhyayula Chairman
2 Mr. Srinivas Rao Kolli Member
3 Mrs. Sabitha Ghanta Member
Stakeholders Relationship Committee
1 Mr. Srinivas Rao Kolli Chairman
2 Mr. Kaushik Yalamanchili Member
3 Mrs. Sabitha Ghanta Member
Management Committee
1 Mr. Kaushik Yalamanchili Chairman
2 Mr. Sivanand Swamy Mitikiri Member
3 Mr. Srinivas Rao Kolli Member
CSR Committee
1 Mr. Kaushik Yalamanchili Chairman
2 Mr. Sivanand Swamy Mitikiri Member
3 Mr. Subhash Lingareddi Somod Member

Key Managerial Personnel (KMP)

Mr. Rakshit Mathur

Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Vivek Reddy

Chief Operating Officer

Senior Management Personal Team

Mr. L. V. Nagendra Babu

Sr. GM (Purchase)

Mr. Siva Ram Annapureddy

Sr. GM (Marketing)

Mr. S. Venkateswara Rao

GM (Finance &Accounts)

Mr. K. Venkateswara Rao

GM D & D (Software)

Mrs. Ch. Usha Rani

GM D & D (Hardware)

Mr. B. D. Nageshwara Rao

GM D & D (Mechanical)

Mr. B. Narayana Rao

GM (Production)

Mr. K. N. V. Ravi Kumar

D & D GM (Power Electronics)

Mr. D. Valli Babu

Manager (Customer Support)

Mr. D. Ratna Kumar

Manager (HR & Admin)

Mr. Ch. Raju

Manager (Marketing)